Nobody Gets Out of Here
One time, I read The American Book of the Dead; and as we all
know, once weve read the Book, life just isnt quite the same any more
perhaps a little bit more scary
more confusing for sure. It doesnt comfort
much; it brings Death to your door in everything you do and wherever you go turning
what used to be the most insignificant, ordinary experiences into full blown, alarming and
confusing events (much like the writing of this letter)! |

Now-a-days, when I sit in a movie theater, I wonder:
"Am I not where I think I am? Am I dead? What should I do?"
Its the most curious thing! To call out to myself with my own voice (is it my
own?) and warn that I might be dead and I should be paying attention. To become absorbed
by an alien urgency communicating that there is something I should be doing (but what?),
that there is a way to avoid rebirth (but how, and for what?), and that there must be a
guide in here somewhere!
I never really know what to do, though (perhaps I should take another look at that
). Its all just a series of thoughts and movements, no real effort to
invoke presence and attention or anything like that just a moment or two when I
wonder if I should do something other than become identified with the drama of the movie.
So I look around and listen for a while
for a sign, a clue, a light, anything!
In the end, I always chose the movie
Earlier tonight, I thought: "Im sitting in the theater; it is dark, cool,
and not too many people here. Theres just about a dozen strangers, my wife, and I.
We are here to watch a movie called What Dreams May Come, and it is about a
guys experience of death. Pretty cool experience, Id say (not much like the
Book describes it): painless, no horror, no fear, and even a convenient guide to show him
around right from the very start! No confusion, relaxed, smooth, and peaceful passage
quite the ideal death, I would say (if only I hadnt read in some
bad-luck book somewhere that death is very personal)." |
Then, without fail, that one moment when I question the present (am I really here?)
and, looking around the chamber for any clues (guide? Hello?), wonder if there is anything
I should be doing besides getting into the action and the drama of the movie. Always that
one moment the one that is brief, escaping between my fingers and around the corner
of my eyes as soon as I try to observe it theres never a clue."I
guess its safer that way. I mean, would I really like it if I was to suddenly awake
to see all that Ive known and considered safe and familiar disappear as if it had
never really existed? What would I do if I was really dead and I wasnt really in a
movie theater? And if Diana and all the memories of my past and of my family and friends,
of my home, of my daily existence, and everything else that makes me who and what I am
were just figments of my imagination? Id go crazy for sure. But it cant be
that just cant happen. If was dead, Id know it for sure! Just like that
guy in the movie. And I wouldnt be wasting my afterlife inside movie theaters.
Id be ah
ah...well Id be knowing I was dead and that would be quiet
enough for me!" |

And then:(BLINK, BLINK)
?" |
"To my left!
did I see something?
"What is that?"

"Wow, a green, flashing exit sign! Ive never seen this before! What
is it, really? What should I do? Is there something I should do? Its that book
again, man wont leave me alone
I am dead? Could this really be a
rebirth station?
Nah, its most likely an ordinary theater exit sign with a bad light bulb (for
But then again, a blinking, green exit sign how more obvious can that get?
Should I go to it? Should I take the exit? |

But how could I? With Diana sitting next to me, holding my hand? I mean, how could I just
get up and walk towards the green exit sign? How strange would that be? Diana would
follow me, wondering what the hell is going on and why I am suddenly and without
explanation walking away towards the dark corner of the theater? I can just see myself
stepping outside, staring at the street and at cars and trees and the sky, wondering what
I was doing there, and searching for an explanation to offer Diana who would be by
then sporting one of her most famous and favorite super confused and a little
scared masks and asking: whats wrong, baby? |
Oh well, I guess thats that. Im watching the movie. Perhaps another time,
huh? Maybe Ill read the book again and find out what to do. Or maybe its not
real and Im just dreaming it all. Maybe theres nothing to do."
See what I mean? And thats just one little experience. Do not fool yourselves: If
it happens to me, it can happen to you!
Beware of the red cover

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