Mind Control and the
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Hear the words in your head, taste them. Mind Control. The hostile and uncontrolled
takeover of your innermost sanctum by foreign agents, entities from the great unknown, the
outer darkness that surrounds you, this jungle of unknowable eyes and hidden agendas. Go
ahead. Hear them ring inside of you. Mind Control.
What does the controlling? What is controlled? Why? How? |

Imagine the explosion of light that occurs before creation. Imagine you have somehow
managed to be there, right at the starting point. Nothingness, the gentle touch of the
void telling you it's all over. It never began. Now sense the explosion of creation,
the myriad universes flowing from you in all directions, all the lands, all the skies, all
the spaces, all the chambers of the labyrinth in infinite multiplication, self reflective
equations modifying themselves beyond your comprehension and now... you are alone in the
desert, and a road lies ahead of you, fading into the distant horizon. |
More than once, as life progressed along expected lines, you may have felt the need for
something greater, you may have felt a faint memory, a sense that your life had a quest, a
real purpose, that had been forgotten among the daily preoccupations. And you may have
believed that if you really wanted to, if you made a firm decision, you could find your
way back to this quest, this original aim.
It thus became necessary to find a teacher, a guide, a more experienced being in they ways
of the Universe. But even as that thought came, another one replaced it and a cold fear
invaded your heart. Mind Control.How can I open my mind, my most secret place, to
another? And if I did, would I be used? The strong do prey on the weak. What would I get
myself into? |
Here, in the cold of the desert, beneath the empty sky, you know nothing and you are aware
of it. You don't know how you got here. You don't know where you came from. You don't know
your purpose here, you don't know your destination and you don't know where to start. All
you feel is a vague notion that you must start moving. Follow that road before you and see
where it takes you.
Very soon you sense the presence of danger, there will be many crossroads, and you will
meet strangers along the way, strangers bearing gifts. |

The fear is there, deep in our collective dreams. The black magician comes at night,
utters certain secret incantations and alters you ever so subtly, alters your inner
workings, your sense of purpose, of self, of identity and takes you over, takes over your
body, your mind and your soul. Such an ancient fear can be no invention. Thought reform.
Evil witchcraft. Coercive persuasion. Curses. Zombies. Brainwashing. When the river makes
noise, rocks are in it.
But the quest is also there. The need to find the other, the wise one that will show you
the way through the mist, the one that will take you into the secret pathways of the maze
and back to that land of endless mystery where everything began.Can you still hear the
words in your head? Mind Control.
What is controlled? What does the controlling?
Are you under mind control now? |
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