But there are
those who want you to keep on sleeping

The Nature of Real Evil
September 15, 1998Just as the millenium was coming to its
end. One more voice, one more moment of clarity. I rested my back on the wall, shivering
with the cold of the urban landscape at night, and I listened:
knowledge relating to the manipulation of the nervous
system in humans to suppress spiritual growth and their ability to reach/sustain a
transcendental state of mind. I hope you dont mind a long elaboration." |
"First, some observations Ive made:
Im sure that you are aware that obtaining a transcendent state of mind
requires (among other things) an intensely focused mind. Some of my conclusions relating
to achieving this are as follows..." |
"1.The mind must be free of "linear thought", distractions, and any type of
negative emotional energy. (both of which cause thought)
2. The left and right hemispheres of the brain need to operate in synchronicity.
3. Physiological changes occur - a change in neuro-chemistry, and the brain tends to
operate at a lower frequency (alpha & theta range) rather than the beta range
found in normal consciousness. (I am not meaning to say that this is all that is
required)" |
"There is a great deal of teaching, practices, theories, etc. relating to aiding in
this process. To name a few:Prayer, focused attention, any
meditative mental focusing discipline to eliminate thought and focus the mind. This is one
obvious factor that we are (hopefully) in direct control of at any moment in time.
Some of these practices aim to work on the bodys physiology as
well (i.e. yoga, martial arts), while others also assist in training the brain,
synchronizing & lowering its speed. (chanting, drumming, dancing, staring at fire) One
principle involved here is that the brains operating frequency tends to change to
match repeated sensory input, to produce a conducive brain rhythm." |
The repeated cyber beats of rave, trance and ambient music invaded me (some kids were
driving by, their stereo playing really loud), and I realized he was still there, in front
of me, allowing the flow to take his words where it wanted. |
"Fasting has an obvious affect on mental clarity, and any type of prolonged sensory
deprivation changes the body and brains chemistry.
One direct way of altering ones neuro-chemistry is through the of entheogenic plants, or
other psychedelic substances. Apparently, the neuro-physiological state that is produced
by many years of practicing one/some of the above disciplines is nearly identical to one
that is produced by ingesting a psychedelic compound, and further, that the combination
can produce much more significant results than either used alone.
I believe that all of these methods, techniques, scriptural teachings etc. are just tools
(albeit very important ones) that are used in order to achieve the transcendent state
where all true knowledge is available." |
The cold air was really invading me (I was shivering uncontrollably), the sounds of
desperation were coming from all corners around me (the homeless, the prostitutes, the
drug dealers, the cops) , and I realized that there was something painful yet true that
needed to come out. |

"Now to my point. It seems to me that most people focus on how to best use any or all
of the above practices toward spiritual awakening. Due to an intense search for knowledge
and spiritual understanding in my young life, (Im 26) I will boldly state that
through the understanding I have gained in my spiritual journey I have seen why this
approach alone is missing a key element...Other forces,
(evil, Satan, aliens, whatever) at work against the rise of spirituality and
consciousness. I happen to believe that it is all people and groups of people with many
different selfish motives that are the cause of this. The ecstatic trance has been
crushed, vilified, twisted around to appear evil, and basically just nonexistent except to
the few souls that stay on the true path.
How would someone take spiritual power away from someone else?
Easily. First and foremost, take away their spiritual sacraments and make it illegal. Then
indoctrinate everyone into believing that those substances are evil, dangerous, cause
insanity, whatever. Difficult? Its already being done.
Of course, all of the teaching and traditions relating to the
spiritual journey are still taught, minus one of the key parts! Churches become nothing
more that the ceremonial shell of what was once a gathering producing the proper set &
setting for sacramental entheogenic spiritual enlightenment. Habits take the place of
Ok, so thats been the case for quite awhile. How else would
you squelch spirituality? Through the
Manipulation of the Human Nervous System.
1 Keep peoples minds in a constant state of wandering thought
& distraction.
2.Keep the left and right hemispheres of the brain running at different speeds so
synchronicity cannot occur.
3.Alter the chemistry of peoples bodies, especially the brain & nervous system,
to work against allowing a transcendent state to be achieved.
Do all of the above in as many ways as possible, without letting people realize what is
happening. Implement most of this gradually, as incremental changes are much easier to
hide that sudden changes. The people can practice all of the methods of spiritual
awakening, but to little avail if you have succeeded in putting blinders on them!
How would all of this be done? I wont go into all of the ways that I imagine this is being
carried out, there are already many theories circulating on the internet
I found myself alone, in the middle of downtown San Francisco. It
was about 5 a.m. in the morning and it was starting to rain. |
Many thanks to Citfox (Citfox@aol.com) for
graphics and our friend J.H. for text.
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