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Cosmic Debris

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I heard the women weep.

And the usual "rest in peace”...

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And suddenly I found myself

As a glowing cloud of gas,

Finding its way through

shimmering stars and quasars.

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A wave of cosmic debris

Came rushing from behind

Threw me upwards,

Threw me downwards!

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Made me shrink

Made me stretch


To Reintegrate

again and again and again.

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Then I was one

The only One

All Alone

Silent lonesome soul

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Then I was
in a million parts

The parts
became billions
and trillions
in an infinite dance.

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A circle, a square.

A quilt in space

of giant embroidery,

a thousand colors

and shapes.

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I collapse
I expand
From the cold
To the hot

So heavy
so light
burning into helium
becoming the light.

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I swallow my self

digest and process

to be thrown up

to be ejected

into thousand of particles

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Cosmic debris




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Cosmic debris




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Cosmic debris

a swirl,

a dance.

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In memory of Roger Licot,
a very good friend for a very brief time.

Send comments, questions and reactions to jcmg@earthlink.net

Flight of A Bird of Prey ] To A Stranger ] In The Palm Of Your Hand ] Quiet Space ] [ Cosmic Debris ] A Perfect Star ] Essentially ] The Land where Souls Play ]

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